Refrain from air-conditioning the entire house all the time and use fans instead. When you do use the air-con, keep the temperature moderate and be sure to turn it off when you leave the room.
Our love for air-conditioning is making the world even hotter. The power required to run air conditioning consumes fossil fuel, thus depleting reserves and contributing to global warming.
Go for organic fruits, veggies, meat and dairy over conventional food.
Organic foods are grown without pesticides and chemical fertilizers - a healthier option not only for you, but also the planet. Over 98% of sprayed insecticides and 95% of herbicides reach a destination other than their target species, including non-target species, air, water, bottom sediments and food..
Look up recipes for homemade cleaners on the internet
Use cleaning agents that won’t harm your health or the environment or better still, make your own. Cutting back on waste by using reusable towels rather than paper towels for cleaning is a simple green idea. Replace chemical cleaners with non-toxic products. Most cleaning ingredients can be found in your kitchen, such as lemons, vinegar and baking soda.
End junk mail.
Save the trees by removing your name from the list of any unwanted catalogs or other unnecessary mail. By eliminating junk mail, you can easily save two trees and prevent some 92 pounds of carbon dioxide from being released into the air every year.
Unplug electronic devices when not using them.
Most household appliances use “standby” electricity even while they are turned off. You can easily conserve wasted energy by unplugging them or putting them on a power strip so that you can easily shut them off when not in use. TVs and VCRs that are turned "off" cost us nearly a billion dollars a year in electricity.
Cultivate a green thumb.
House-plants not only beautify your home but they improve the quality of the air by removing toxins. Peace lilies, Spider Plants, and English Ivy are great choice for easy to grow plants. Potted plants in the house can make indoor air healthier by cutting down ozone levels and lower the temperature by 1 to 2 degrees.
Conserve Water.
Think about ways to save water and start doing it. Installing water efficient shower heads, turning off the tap while brushing your teeth and running the dishwasher or washing machine only when fully loaded are few ideas to get you started. A low-flow showerhead reduces the water flow by up to 50%.
We are proud to kick off 7iveWOW!™ with 2,000 ECO bags, which we sent out as
CNY gifts to clients and associates in Singapore and Malaysia.
Also, please be sure to check out those 7 tips to be greener at home and the office.